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More About Us | ProLife Idaho - Vote by Principle!



More About Us

Pro-Life ran for US Congress in 2020 and will again in 2024.  You can read my Governor positions and easily discern my federal positions. Be patient, I have a farm and a large family to look after.  I am my own website keeper..

We are thankful to the Constitution Party of Idaho for having us as members and candidates in 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022.  We were Constitution Party members prior from 1992 to 2006.

We have always used the Constitution Party platform in our prior races to explain our positions. You will notice that 'Sanctity of Life' is at the top with all other planks in alphabetical order. This is a good platform:

My wife, Kirsten Faith Richardson, will be running for State Senate in 2024 in District 14, Gem and Ada counties.

Below, and by using the top bar, you can read our reasons for running for office every two years.

As legislators,  we would do the following:

1- We would reference every vote, or proposed legislation, with Article and Section of the Constitutions.

2- We will never vote for, or sponsor, any legislation unless it is compatible with the intent of the original, written Constitution or its amendments.

3- We have asked our present Idaho congressional delegation to do the following, which they have refused to do:

A) Introduce legislation defining "natural born citizen." They have refused numerous times.

B)  Seek to impeach  President Biden for intentionally violating the Constitution and exceeding his constitutional jurisdiction.  Crapo, Risch, and Simpson have never replied to our requests re: the President needs to be impeached. In our opinion, they all believe that the President needs impeachment but they do not have the courage to speak out. In fact, only a few elected Republicans in Congress have asked for impeachment. Why would anyone support such a corrupt, wimpy, party like the GOP?

4-     Followers of Islam, if faithful, will always support Sharia Law above our Constitution, therefore, we say that no faithful Muslim can take an honest oath to follow the Constitution. This should bar Sharia Muslims from being US citizens.

5-     We will introduce legislation defining legal personhood beginning at fertilization.

6-    A US Senator cannot introduce articles of impeachment, but a Senator should publicly ask the House to impeach any federal judge that exceeds his constitutional jurisdiction. The federal judges exceed their jurisdiction almost daily.

7-     According to Article 1, Section 8, line 17, all federal lands (within states) should belong to the states. We would create legislation giving state ownership of all BLM, US Forest, etc. lands to the states. The Constitution gives the federal government authority to administer lands- but this applies only to land within US territories and military bases.

8-     Article 4, Section 4, is totally being trashed. The Congress, executive, and judicial branches are allowing "invasion of the states" (illegal immigration). Also, NO state has a "republican" form of government, instead all states have strict population based legislatures, thus, a county has no constitutional representation in the state legislatures as guaranteed by Art. 4, Section 4. This began with the unconstitutional decision of the US Supreme Court in 1964, Reynolds v. Sims.

9-   Congress needs to reverse its decision allowing open homosexuality in the military. Ron Paul was one of six Republicans that voted for open homosexuality, bad Ron.  You cannot rely on any Republican do the right thing, yes, even Ron Paul.

10-     Congress needs to supervise trade agreement authority given to the Executive branch. This is Congress's responsibility. Almost all members of Congress want to avoid this responsibility.

11-    Congress has failed to declare war, or 'mark and reprisal', according to Art. 1, Section 8, line 11. Unjust war is murder and Congress is guilty of allowing  Presidents to conduct unconstitutional war, and in many cases, unjust war.

12-    The Federal Reserve Bank needs to be abolished. An audit of our lost gold must be conducted.

13-    We need to seal our borders, a wall may not be necessary, but we need no unauthorized crossings.

14-    Children born on US soil should be citizens 'only' if born of US citizens.

15-    Illegal immigrants should be barred from voting even after gaining 'amnesty'  citizenship.

16-    Health, education, welfare, recreation, and retirement are not constitutional and should be phased out.

17-    The statement, "we have three co-equal branches of government" is not correct. Congress is superior and can remove any Judicial or Executive official that exceeds his constitutional jurisdiction. Our present culture does not want to recognize this.

18-    We would like to see the 16th and 17th Amendments repealed.

19-    States have the right to secede from the Union.

20-    Some inalienable rights are: life, liberty, property, self-protection (guns), right to speak the truth, right of self determination for health, right or freedom of association, right of conscience to determine good from evil, and freedom of religion.

21-    No one has the right to lie, yes, not even politicians.

Below: is one reason we run for office- Roe v Wade was not constitutionally decided and now has been overturned, therefore, a President or a Governor could do the following:

In as much as, no legislature, nor Congress, has passed a law defining 'personhood' for the pre-born child, therefore, if Pro-Life becomes Governor he will declare that legal personhood begins at fertilization. On the first day of taking office, Pro-Life will stop all abortions in Idaho, including chemical abortions. Just as a Governor can stop the execution of a convicted murderer, he can also stop the murder of innocent pre-born babies.

Roe v. Wade was not law. Courts do not make law. Court rulings are called decisions, and therefore, not being law, these decisions are only related to the parties of the particular court case. Congress is obligated to make law consistent with the Constitution. Congress generally fails to honor the Constitution. Congressmen are too wimpy to even discuss personhood for the pre-born babies, there is not one of them that will get tough about baby murder.   If we cannot solve this holocaust of murdering our babies, we will not have the courage to solve other problems.

The reason we violate our state and Federal Constitutions, and allow court decisions to be viewed as law, is because members of Congress and state legislatures refuse to even discuss laws regarding volatile issues such as pre-born baby murder, homosexuality, adultery, pornography, transgenderism, Covid19 shots, real money, etc.

Legislators are big chickens, they covet office, and therefore, refuse to deal with divisive issues. They allow appointed judges to make the difficult decisions thereby destroying constitutional jurisdiction. Therefore, a chief executive recognizing this trashing of separation of powers should rule on pre-born baby murder and homosexual mariage. This will cause the public to become educated regarding constitutional jurisdiction. We need to save our pre-born babies from murder, and we also could learn constitutional jurisdiction with Pro-Life as Governor or in Congress.

Governors and Presidents seek to be popular, and are peer oriented, therefore they neglect to support constitutional government. When chief executives and legislators intentionally ignore constitutions, common law, natural law, and God's law, the people suffer.  If the people fail to elect honest men, then the nation is destroyed.  If you do not like the candidates on the ballot, then you are obligated to put your name on the ballot.

Why do people like the Pro-Life family run for office? Answer:  on Judgment Day, voters cannot say, "there was no one on the ballot worth voting for." We make voters accountable for hearing the truth.

© Copyright 2025 ProLife Idaho.  All rights reserved.