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About Pro-Life | ProLife Idaho - Vote by Principle!



About Pro-Life

A Short Chronology of Pro-Life's Life

1940: November 1, Pro-Life begins life at fertilization in Carbon County, Wyoming.

1941: Born, Marvin Thomas Richardson, Carbon County, Wyoming, August 5, 1941.

1941- 1945 Lived on the Richardson Double 8 Ranch at Elk Mountain, Wyoming.

1945-1956: Childhood and school in Rawlins, Carbon County, Wyoming.

1957-1958: University High School, Laramie, Wyoming. Sportswriters All-State basketball.

1960: Graduated from Lander Wyoming High School.

1960-1961: Attended Brigham Young University on a basketball scholarship.  This aid should not be called scholarship, the misuse of this word tells a great deal about our society.  Pro-Life played on the Freshman team. Pro-Life was the last player to be cut from the Varsity as a Sophomore and then 2 Varsity players quit, but Pro-Life was not called back to the Varsity because he had complained about athletes not keeping the BYU Honor Code.  Pro-Life was learning to take his lumps for telling the truth.

1962-1964: Missionary for the LDS Church in Arizona, California, and Nevada.

1964: Married Jean Carol Benson in Arizona LDS Temple.

1964-1967: Brigham Young University, graduated in 1967, Political Science.

1968-1969: Worked in a family business in Colorado with his father and brother.

1969-1971: Back at Brigham Young University for the last time, studied accounting.

1971-1973: Worked for 3 CPA firms, Arizona and Colorado.

1973-1976: Self-employed, Licensed Public Accountant, Bear Lake County, Idaho.

1977-1982: Open-pit coal mining, Carbon County Wyoming.

1982: Divorced by Jean Benson because Pro-Life was too politically incorrect and that was embarrassing for a peer pressure oriented woman. Married Kirsten Faith Bjarnson in St George LDS Temple in November 1982. Kirsten has moral courage and ignores peer pressure. Pro-Life and Kirsten are very compatible.

1983-1984: Strawberry farmer at Gilcrest, Colorado.

1985-1987: Lived in Baja California Norte, Mexico, and sold irrigation equipment in USA.

1988-2002: Caterpillar dealership employee in Nevada, 13 years.

1998: Resigned from LDS Church because the Church would not accept personhood status for the preborn child.

1998: Christianna, the last of Pro-Life's 15 children is born, 7 from his previous wife, 8 from his current marriage.

2004: Changed middle name to Pro-Life, ran for State Legislature.  Lost in general election with 22% of the vote.

2006: Ran for Governor as Marvin Pro-Life Richardson, the name Pro-Life was not allowed on the ballot by Idaho Secretary of State so Pro-Life went to court and dropped the names Marvin and Richardson.  Lost in general election.

2008: Candidate for US Senate, the name Pro-Life on ballot with parentheses after Pro-Life (a person formerly known as Marvin Richardson). A special law was passed by the Idaho Legislature requiring the parenthetical information so that voters would not confuse Pro-Life as an idea or value. This law is an unconstitutional, ex-post facto law. Pro-Life would have agreed to the parentheses but was not asked. Typical treatment by elected government officials to violate common courtesy and the Constitution.  Lost in general election.

2007: Pro-Life ran for Fire Commissioner as a write in. Received about a third of the vote but lost to the incumbent.

2010: Pro-Life lost in the general election to the incumbent, Butch Otter, for a second time. Pro-life was last in the race.

2012: Pro-Life lost in the general election to incumbent Raul Labrador for US Representative, District 1.

2014: Pro-Life lost in the general election for a third time to Governor Otter.

2016: Pro-Life lost in a US Senate primary race.

2018:  Pro-Life lost in a race for US Representative, Idaho District 1, general election.

2020:  Pro-Life lost for US Representative, Idaho District 2.  Pro-Life came in 3rd in votes, general election.

2022:  Candidate for Lt. Governor received 5.1% of the vote.

2002-2025: Presently an organic farmer, mostly strawberries and sugar snap peas. Pro-life and Kirsten spend their time on the       farm and in moral activism, trying to persuade people to give up their selfishness and live like Jesus.

2024:  Pro-Life ran for US Representative, District 2, and lost by 4 votes in the Constitution Party primary.

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