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ProLife Idaho - Vote by Principle!


Don't vote for the lesser of evils.  You always have a choice.  Vote by principle.

Kirsten Faith Richardson - 2024 for State Senate, District 14 (Gem County and city of Eagle)

Pro-Life for District 14, House Seat A, opponent Ted Hill. Write-In  "Pro-Life"  on November 2024 ballot.

Pro-Life for Governor - 2026

Make America Moral Again

This is a husband and wife combined website for our campaigns. We will run every two years for the rest of our lives. Our motive is to make the voter accountable for hearing the truth. Participation in politics is sick and selfish without faith in Jesus Christ and His motive, To Live Only For Truth.

The Republicans are promising you prosperity and safety.  They are intentionally ignoring the real problems.  Most of the American people are corrupt morally, spiritually, and even physically.  If Trump was with God, he would be saying,  'Make America Moral Again'. He is not going to say that because his motive is selfish.  He wants to be the President that saves America financially and safety-wise.  Yes, I believe Angels saved his life.  Trump  wants your vote.  Trump-Vance are excusing the murder of our babies and accepting LGBT activity and many other sins.  We will not be voting Republican. Trump will win Idaho's Electoral vote.  We will vote for Randall Terry for President.  Randall is the Constitution Party candidate nationally and an Independent on the Idaho ballot.

Reformed governmental policy will not save us. We must stop accepting the lies from selfish people who will sell us ideas and products that will harm our eternal attitude (salvation) or kill our earthly bodies. These selfish people are in education, economics, food, medicine, entertainment and, of course, government. And yes, some profess Christ while using faith and churches for their selfish motives, thus perverting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These selfish people do not understand the motive and attitude of Jesus Christ and thus are used by the Devil to destroy Christianity.

You can see our statements on government below. Pro-Life and Kirsten have the same positions on government and almost everything. This is quite a statement to make but it is true. We have an unusual marriage.

Kirsten Richardson

Welcome Neighbors and Friends

My (only) name is Pro-Life. I ran for Lt. Governor of Idaho in 2022 with the Constitution Party. I had planned on running for Governor but Ammon Bundy, who I supported for Governor, switched from Republican to Independent in February, causing me to file for Lt. Governor in 2022. I wanted my voters to vote for Ammon Bundy. I ran for Congress in the May 2024 primary but I lost the 2024 primary by four votes. Other pages of this website will show you the many times I have lost running near the top of the ballot.

My wife, Kirsten Faith Richardson, will be running for Idaho State Senate, District 14 in 2024 with the Constitution Party. We have a very compatible marriage of 41 years and our political and moral positions are the same. You can discern Kirsten's positions regarding State Senate from this website. This will be Kirsten's 10th time running for Idaho State Legislature.

You will soon discover (if you don't know already), we are not afraid of speaking the truth.

Please, take some time and learn more about where we stand on the issues; why baby murder (abortion) is the most critical issue, and why you should always vote your conscience.  

Baby murder will not end, nor will it slow down, until everyone allowing and encouraging these murders is punished with the same intensity as regular murder.  This includes the mother, especially the mother.  Having knowledge of a mother planning baby murder should be punishable by church and government.  We become complicit if we do not tell her that she will be committing murder.  Birth control pills and morning-after chemicals are instruments of baby murder.

Our motive for running is to make people accountable for hearing the truth. Because we insist on following truth, voters do not want to support us because we will lose. Also, many voters do not agree with us. Peer pressure drives politics and everything else.

If I become Governor in 2026, by my order, all baby murder facilities will remain closed and no abortifacients will be sold. This emergency order will remain as long as I am Governor. Birth control pills are abortifacients just like 'morning-after' pills. Morning-after chemicals are large doses of birth control chemicals. Also by my order their will be no transgender activity for any age in Idaho. This is in the jurisdiction of the Legislature but as Governor I will not allow baby murder or body mutilations nor chemical alterations for any age. My executive orders would force the Legislature to process these issues. Likely, the Legislature would falsely claim these issues are not their jurisdiction and they would let the State or Federal courts make the decision. Or, they might seek to remove me from office. Why do Christians vote for these peer-pressure politicians?

The answer is, almost everyone is peer oriented.

We will never vote for candidates who refuse to treat abortion as murder. When sperm meets egg a new person is on earth and this equals legal personhood and citizenship in the eyes of God. We should have laws punishing all willing participants in these murders.

Supposedly smart voters in Idaho, would vote in Republican primaries for the most moral candidates. Remember, there are a lot of Democrats who register Republican and vote for the most liberal Republican in the primaries, then they vote Democrat in the November general elections, or they may vote for a liberal Republican in the General Election. Intelligent and truth oriented voters voted for Ammon Bundy in the 2022 general election who received 18% for Governor. I received 5.1% for Lt. Governor.

The Constitution Party could become relevant if 25% of elected conservative Republicans left the GOP as a group and moved to the Constitution Party. This, of course, implies that 75% of Idaho Republican elected officials will, and do, compromise the Idaho GOP platform. The Republican Party is a 'get-elected' compromising party and should not be trusted.

You can vote for us and some Constitution Party candidates in the general election without affecting the final outcome. Not all Constitution Party candidates follow Christ, the Constitution, or the National Platform. The General Election percentages usually are about 65% RINO, 30% Democrat, 5% third party.

We receive God's acceptance (grace) by changing our motive and attitude to that of Jesus Christ. Accepting Christ's motive will cause us to give up our selfishness and keep His commandments.

After we repent, we can be an example to others. Remember, we have free agency or free will. Very few of God's children seem inclined to be honest and not violate their conscience.

Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost desire for all of us to live with them for Eternity, but we must choose their motive for this to happen. Their motive is to never compromise the truth and They (God), by example, encourage us to have love as our motivation. Remember, God never lies nor deceives.


Summary of Positions------You will notice that many executive orders, that I would issue, are very controversial.  I know that a Governor's Executive Orders, or Emergency Orders, are not law.  I will issue these orders to save life, health, and property expecting that the Legislature would then react to them.  Legislators are big chickens.  They do not want to vote on controversial issues, therefore, they allow committee chairmen to block bills from committee votes.  When legislatures fail to make law, then we pervert our constitutional system and allow judges to make decisions that we mistakenly call law.  This is a huge lie and deception.  Only legislative bodies create law with Chief Executive signature, or legislative over-ride of a veto.

   Abortion is Murder.  Legal personhood begins when sperm meets egg.

   Unjust War is Murder.

   Socialism is Collective Theft.

   Fiat currency is counterfeit money and a theft device.

   Health, education, welfare, recreation, and retirement are not proper roles of government.  These functions should be, and were, the responsibility of faith but Christians transferred these responsibilities to government generations ago.  We now live with a weak and broken Christianity.  Our churches are now just places where people receive their ordinances and marriages.  These broken churches are afraid to organize to defend life, liberty, and property.  A real Christian church would have leaders that would run for office,  go into the streets to defend health, life, and protest sexual perversion.

   We have natural (God given) rights, such as right to life, expression, self-defense,  property,  liberty,  conscience,  travel,  and faith.

  Juries are the constitutional venue for justice.   Juries have the right to the nullification of:  unjust law enforcement, wrongful prosecution, and unconstitutional laws.

   The First Amendment gives no one the right to lie.  Lying should be punished whether under oath or in general.

   Public education fosters:  group think, socialism, Communism, and selfishness, leading to un-Godly morals, poor manners, and a general lack of faith in God.

   Pro-Life and Kirsten will never compromise to get elected, or in other aspects of life.  Why do you think we are organic farmers?  Our farm website is:

   We believe in alternative medicine and we are against all vaccinations.  Pro-Life said on the radio, "the only vaccination I will be given, will be on my dead body."  No person should be forced to be vaccinated for employment, education, medical treatment, or any conceivable reason.  We do not believe in childhood vaccination.  We believe that vaccines harm immune systems.  

     We are for the repeal of existing gun laws.  Our basic law is the 2nd Amendment.  We do not need more laws, we need more jury decisions regarding individual misuse of firearms.    Gun rights are a natural right.  Gun rights, in a just society, should be lost only through a jury trial of  peers.  A jury would also restore lost rights.  Gun safety should always be a high priority.  Safety is an individual responsibility.  Being unsafe could be a reason for a jury trial for restricted or loss of rights. 

     Laws regarding free speech, e.g., "free speech, only in a free speech zone," are evil.  'Disturbing-the-peace-laws', along with jury decisions, should give law enforcement the tools to handle First Amendment disputes.  Police desire 'well defined laws' so they do not have to exercise discernment.   Law enforcement should develop discernment, patience, and skills to resolve conflicts without violating natural rights.  Our law enforcement culture is confused on this issue and will remain so, until we, through law,  give law enforcement the responsibility to discern  situational free speech.  If a protester is lying 'and he knows it'- it is not protected free speech.

   General criminal law jurisdiction, constitutionally, belongs with the states.  Pre-born baby murder, homosexual marriage, transgender issues, etc. should never be decided by federal courts.  In truth, almost all laws belong in state jurisdiction.  When federal  judges accept cases that belong in state jurisdiction, they should be impeached and removed.  Very few Americans want to accept this constitutional truth regarding jurisdiction.

      Idaho needs laws that make transgenderism illegal.   Idaho should not change 'sex' on birth certificates.  Idaho should enforce Idaho laws and ignore federal courts.  Boys should  never compete in girls' athletics as transgenders.  Idaho should make transitional hormones, chemicals, and surgery, illegal and unattainable.  Idaho should ignore the 'Sanctity of Marriage Act' (homo marriage) by Congress (2022).  Homosexual marriage should not be accepted by any Christian.    Sexual perverts will always try to silence Christians who criticize their perversion.  In the future the 'LGBTQ people' will be asking  courts to  stop churches from the discipline of church members for sexual perversion.

   The Idaho Board of Education should be elected instead of appointed by the Governor.

    The Idaho Judicial Council (nominating committee for judges) should be elected instead of appointed by the Governor.  This should also apply to the Tax Commission, Public Utilities, etc.

    We are opposed to government funding of public broadcasting.  Idaho should stop funding Idaho Public Radio and TV by legislative action.  

   We believe that an elected sheriff could, and should, protect his citizens against unconstitutional and immoral laws and edicts by so-called higher authorities.  The sheriff should stop baby murder (abortion), protect gun rights,  prevent wrongful arrest, etc.  However,  almost no sheriffs believe they have this authority.

      Idaho needs run-off primaries for parties.  If none of the candidates receives 50% in the first primary, then there would be a run-off primary between the top two candidates.  This would apply to primary and general elections.  The RINOs will oppose run-offs.  Just watch them.  The RINO's and other socialists are promoting the 'open primary- ranked choice voting' initiative on the 2024 ballot.  Never vote for anyone who promotes this initiative.

   The emergency powers of the Governor should be short-lived, say 14 days.  After 14 days, the legislature would then make the general decisions regarding the emergency, and direct the Governor, or end the emergency.  Governor Little's emergency orders went on for about 700 days after December 2021.  Governor Little renewed his emergency orders again in January 2022.  Our legislature refused to restrict Little's misuse of power.  Idaho law allows 60 days of emergency powers by a Governor.  We need to replace most of our legislators for failure to end the Governor's illegal power grab.

       Idaho's Christian patriots like to talk and many do not take action.  These patriots need to run against the RINOs in primaries and as third party candidates in general elections.  Most candidates believe they need to win if they run, however, making people accountable for truth is more important.  We believe, at the Judgment Bar,  you will be asked, 'did you make your fellows accountable for the truth?'  Kirsten has now been a candidate for legislature  (10) times and has never spent one dollar except for the 30 dollar filing fee. 

      As Governor, I would veto all bills that expand government.  We are for reduced spending on education, welfare, health, and recreation-  leading to the phasing-out of these functions.  The above functions, many years ago, were the responsibility of faith.  Faith-based organizations could have handled these necessary functions but unthinking, selfish Christians transferred these responsibilities to government.  Today, we generally are a people without real faith, and government is our religion.

   Socialism is collective theft, both Republican and Democrat parties are socialist parties, therefore, we need third-parties, and independents with Christian morals. 

   We are opposed to Idaho government promoting and selling, and receiving monies from alcohol and gambling.  We are opposed to recreational marijuana.

       I would have not complied with WHO, CDC, NIH rules if I were Governor during 2020- 2022.   I will never isssue mask, vaccine, or other health mandates.  Idaho would be a non-mandate state with me as Governor, unless the legislature made mandates legal over my veto.

        The Federal Constitution authorizes Congress to own and manage land in territories but not within states.  Beginning in  the late 1800's Congress began retaining lands within states (unconstitutionally) when creating states.  I would like to see the Idaho Legislature authorize  state ownership of these lands.  Idaho, in trying to get its land back, would generate big Federal lawsuits but Idaho could educate the nation on constitutional jurisdiction and ignore the lawsuits.

       It is wrong for the Legislature to grant immunity to the Governor, businesses, schools and local government for their actions regarding the state of emergency beginning in March of 2020.  The Governor should have not declared an emergency,  he did so to obtain huge federal emergency funds.  He should not have been deceived by billions of federal money, and then ordered shut downs, closed businesses, and churches.  People generally were fooled by the 'scamdemic'.   The sickness is real, but the establishment treatment is a scam and worse- harmful.  Long Covid is the result of harm to the immune system from the Covid shot and boosters, in our opinion.

    Idaho needs to repeal 'no fault divorce laws.'  Idaho should have laws punishing adultery, fornication, homosexuality, and pornography.  Lack of responsibility in marriage should be punished in divorce courts.  Governments should get out of marriage licensing as a remedy for our confused marriage culture.  Homosexual marriage is always wrong and should be illegal.  Smart churches (if you could find one) would not accept marriage licenses from government. 

   In 1965 the Supreme Court ruled in Reynolds v. Sims that state legislatures should have legislative districts with equal populations.  This is an unconstitutional ruling, because, Art 4, Sec 4, says "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government".  Idaho needs to amend Article III of the State Constitution so as to establish one Senator, and at least one Representative, from each county with more Representatives from populous counties.  State legislative systems should mirror the Federal system, which is, equal number of Senators and at least one Representative from each state, with more populous states alloted more Representatives.  Article 4, Sec 4 is one of the most trashed parts of the Constitution.  Before 1965, and the Reynolds v.  Sims decision, states had republican forms of  government.  Idaho needs to go back to a county based legislature as per Article 4, Sec. 4 and yes, in defiance of Reynolds v. Sims.  Idaho should return to having 44 State Senators with a least one State Representative from each county.  The more populous counties would have more representatives.

   As Governor I will not allow the National Guard to participate in an unjust or unconstitutional war.  Would the Idaho commanders follow me or a wrongful President and Congress?  Unjust war is murder.

I would not have allowed the Idaho Guard to protect the Capitol after the January 6, 2021 riot.   Governor Little sent the Guard to Washington D.C.  when Federal officers and police could have handled the situation.  The Congressional leaders planned and allowed the riot by reducing the size of the police force just prior to January 6.  Nancy Pelosi refused an offer to have 10,000 National Guard at the Capitol on January 6.  In my opinion, Speaker Pelosi and the FBI colluded to fool and entrap Trump supporters and call it insurrection.

   We should cut spending on education, welfare, recreation, health, and retirement programs commensurate with tax reduction.   We should start with eliminating sales tax, then on to income taxes, then property tax.  Fuel taxes are a just tax for transportation.  Taxes on vehicles, tires, parts, etc. are justified to maintain and build roads and highways.  

   Idaho should have laws forbidding the 'promotion' of adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pornography, transgenderism, etc.  It should be illegal to advertise for perversion, swinging, fornication, etc.  LGBTQ help centers would have to close.  There is a LGBTQ center in Rexburg called Flourish Point, shocking, right?

    We are against mandated vaccination in every jurisdiction: government, business, military, education, and family, yes, even family.  We believe vaccines and especially mRNA  shots to be harmful.  I will by emergency, executive order, stop all mandated vaccinations including parents having their minor children vaccinated.  The Idaho government should protect the child who says, "the vaccine will hurt me, I will not take it."  If I become Governor, you would have to leave Idaho for vaccines, and for sure, the mRNA shots.   The legislature could stop my order.  The Covid shots will result in long term damage to many people and possible loss of life in my opinion.   When people around the world realize that they have been deceived by politicians, media, pharmaceutical firms, and the medical establishment, then they will start following  common sense, conscience, and start using natural medicine, instead of phony pharma science.  Follow your conscience and not the deceiving experts.  Kirsten and I had Covid and it was terrible.  Covid is real, and thus, the one-world fascist leaders are using it to corral us.  

    Governments should not license occupations.  Licensing creates monopolies and hinders competition and innovation.  Occupations should have regulating and certifying organizations outside of government to insure safety, quality, etc.  If there were competing certifying groups, then the consumer would have more choices,  better services, and products.

  We would like to see all candidates, for any office, declare their position on vaccination and the "shot."  Ask candidates for their position and you may get answers like this from Mike Simpson's office, "that information is not available."  Most politicians do not want to declare their position on the shot.

         Ask politicians,  "is abortion,  government enforced baby murder?"  "Is homosexual marriage, government enforced perversion?"  Is 'enforced' the correct adjective in the above questions?  Yes, of course.

        Truth will eventually be recognized by all people, it might take a long time, but truth will win in the end and in eternity.  We will not compromise any truth for any temporary reward.  We do not want to live with compromisers here, or in eternity.   Our Father in Heaven never compromises, or lies,  and we want to live with Him.  We want everyone to be worthy of living with Father in Heaven and Jesus.  God bless all of you, we love all of you.  Repent of your selfishness.

   I will not allow the Biden administration to bring illegal aliens into Idaho.  I will ask the legislature to make this a permanent ban.  We also need to stop the Federal government from sending unvetted refugees to Idaho.  Idaho should vett all refugees destined for Idaho. 

    President Biden needs to be impeached and removed for many reasons, the Afghanistan debacle, the border crisis, mandating the 'shot', taking bribes, etc.  There needs to be a general cry for impeachment,  but sadly, most Republicans will remain silent.  They will not bring up impeachment until the people demand it.  America has poor leadership.  Have you noticed, Biden will never criticize Communist China?   The Biden action in Afghanistan was treason, "aid and comfort to the enemy,"  Article 3, Sec. 3, US Const.   We  lack votes to impeach, we realize this.  Biden deserves impeachment and we should speak it, even though we lack the votes.   We all need to say he 'deserves' impeachment.  Do you think the GOP will publicly say, Biden 'deserves' impeachment?  No, the GOP will fail.

       President Trump recommended the shot.  This is a wrongful position and should destroy his credibility.  Trump should admit to be being fooled by Pharma science.  In coming years  the world will  awake to the Covid shots destruction of our immune systems.  Trump is also pro-baby murder and LGBTQ tolerant.

   I will do everything in my power to stop the installation of 5G in Idaho.  5G is obviously harmful to the health of all living things.  I would like to see 5G outlawed in Idaho.

   On the life question,  the commonly used birth control pill is an abortifacient (murder by chemical), so therefore, any government stopping surgical abortion should also stop the sale and possession of birth control pills, morning after chemicals, etc.  Birth control pills cause a woman's body to have a false pregnancy, therefore the new child cannot attach to the uterus and dies.  D&C procedures should also be stopped in rape cases.  Legal personhood, if we follow science, begins at fertilization (when sperm meets egg).

   Immunization passports are evil, like in "mark of the beast."  I will never accept 'shot' passports.   The Idaho Legislature would have to pass a law over my veto to make vax passports legal, and then ask for my recall election, because I would fight this to the end, just like I would on the question of baby murder and other basic principles.

   I will never allow quarantine camps in Idaho, nor allow any Idaho resident to be quarantined outside of Idaho.  The end of medical tyranny should begin in Idaho. 

   I believe that firemen and emergency personnel should be armed with firearms, mace, pepper spray, tear gas, etc., as appropriate, so as to save the health and lives of people before police arrive.  I know this is against our culture but cross-training can save health, lives, and property damage.   This idea is really appropriate for places like Portland, Chicago, LA.  We need to discuss this and see if the legislature will approve it.

  The state prison system needs to grow organic food for Idaho schools, prisons, and other state institutions.   The Idaho Legislature needs to set nutritional standards for state institutions.  We can not rehabilitate people on poor food.  These standards should not allow refined sugars or flours, preservatives, colorings, additives that are harmful to health. Our  mental institutions and other institutions should have gardens and farms.  Watch the lobbyists squeal over this, if it comes up.

  When the Governor, or his department heads, declare that Idaho hospitals and health care, in general, are under 'Crisis Standards of Care,' you must realize that your rights and freedoms are being suppressed without your knowledge.  Study up on this. 

    We would like to see Idaho, by legislation, create a state militia to help in emergencies.  The Federal government would have no control over this militia.  The Governor would be the state commander with the county sheriffs as county commanders.

    A  governor should have an investigative team to find people wrongfully convicted, or in jail, wrongfully, awaiting trail.  Also, a good governor would spend a substantial amount of time visiting the people in prisons, reform schools, mental facilities, and disability institutions.  I do not believe this happens at present and these people have been neglected for a long time.

  The federal and state constitutions place the Chief Executives (Presidents and governors) as servants of the legislative branches.  I accept this.   A governor is not co-equal with the legislature.  The judicial branch is also not co-equal to the legislature.   Court decisions are not law and Executive Orders are not law.

   Idaho should never allow  'For Profit'  prisons to house Idaho inmates.  'For profit' prisons will  allow fighting, abuse of prisoners, riots, and breaking of laws by prisoners so that they can retain a larger prison population and insure profit.  'For Profit' prisons are slow to recommend parole and quick to find infractions thus retaining prisoners.  Certain Idaho jails profit from housing prisoners from other jurisdictions, this same revenue motive can harm people in jail;  poor food,  lack of space,  poor heating and air quality.  A good governor would always be investigating such abuse, and the revenue/ profit motive in jailing. 

    At present, unions can collective bargain with governments.  Idaho needs laws that will allow individual employees, to participate in employment bargaining.  An association (union) that has 50%+  support should not be allowed to bargain for all employees.  In truth, the right thing is this:  allow all employees to voice or write their opinion regarding employment.  And then, after the opinion period and the digestion of comments,  the board, or legislature, determines the pay, conditions, etc.   Unions can destroy freedom, and much more, with strikes, sickouts, and unfair demands.

         Governor Little has taken all the Federal money he can get, and he does not care about the strings attached.  Idaho is now dependent on Federal money.  Before the scamdemic Idaho received about 37% of funding from Washington, DC,  now the figure is higher with Brad Little.   Governor Little will try to suppress discussion on the percentage of federal funding before elections. 

    Child Protective Services (CPS)  wrongfully kidnapped Baby Cyrus (10 months old) on March 12, 2022.  We know this family, they are good, Christian people.  This is a huge crime by Idaho government.  Other states have similar CPS laws.   Go to    Get involved, these crimes happen a lot and sadly most families do not have the support that  gave to Baby Cyrus and family.  The Idaho legislature needs to change a lot of Idaho CPS laws and rules.

    We would like to see the Idaho Legislature pass a resolution warning the NCAA  to stop its transgender policy or the Idaho Legislature will try to remove Idaho colleges and universities from NCAA membership and promote a competing athletic league.

  As Governor I would not allow arrests by Federal officers unless they had contacted the county sheriff prior to the arrest.   I would teach county sheriffs that almost all law enforcment decisions should be made by elected sheriffs.  A sheriff also has a right to ignore the Governor.   At present, city councils hire police, and if the police misbehave, the voters have to go to the Mayor and Council for redress. Greater accountability would be had if all law enforcment was by the elected sheriff.

   The Idaho Legislature needs to allow students in higher education to take guns on campus.  Our present culture is not going to allow a vote on this.  Chickens in the legislature are there to roost. 

   Go to the Top Bar:   *About*     *The Issues*     *Idaho Politicians & Murder*   *Contact* for more information.

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